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Low odour, fire safe, deep penetration, water based* protection of wood from borer and other wood boring insects.
*NO Borer Wood Protection concentrate can be diluted with water, or a solvent such as turpentine or kerosene can be used.
These images are direct links to retailer's product page.
Concentrate: 10 g/L permethrin
Ready to Use: 1 g/L permethrin
Concentrate: 500 ml, 5 L
SKU: 18610
Ready to Use: 680 ml
SKU: 18605
HSNO Approval Code: HSR101164.
NO Borer Wood Protection Spray Concentrate SDS
Ready to Use
HSNO Approval Code: HSR101165.
NO Borer Wood Protection Spray Ready to Use SDS
*Can also be mixed with turpentine or kerosene at the same dilution rate of 100 ml per litre.
Ready to Use
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