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Highly effective bait blocks, indoor and outdoor control of rats and mice. Compatible with bait stations.
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Registered Pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997 No. V2970.
NZFSA Approved Rodenticide Maintenance Compound (non-dairy)
HSNO Approval Code: HSR001605.
NO Rats & Mice Bait Blocks SDS
View the 1-2-3 Rodent Control Programme.
Here are some videos on how to get rid of rodents:
To protect children, pets and non-target animals and for protection of bait from moisture and contamination use bait stations such as Kiwicare NO Mice One Feed Bait Stations or NO Rats One Feed Bait Stations.
A DIY Bait Station can be made from a 600mm piece of downpipe. It will protect rodenticide bait from weather and non-target animals. Bait in a plastic bag can be fixed in place in the middle of the station using a wire through the centre of the pipe.
Coumatetralyl is a first generation anti-coagulant rodenticide (FGAR) bait and as such is slower acting and requires more bait to be consumed by rodents for control and is less of a risk to non-target animals than second generation baits (SGARs). It is still important to ensure baits are placed where non-target animals are not able to access the bait.
For larger or more difficult rodent infestations use NO Rats & Mice One Feed bait.
Pest Control Terms Glossary of Meanings
How to get rid of mice. The common house mouse is a pest of significant importance both as it damages wiring, pi…
How to get rid of rats. Rats are the most successful of all the world's pest animal species. They live in associ…
Rats and mice are usually regarded as pests only when they move indoors. However, they can also be a significant…
"I recently used your NO Rats & Mice in my garden shed as I had seen evidence of rats. I laid two blocks on a shelf then left the closed box on a higher shelf. When I checked a couple of days later, I couldn't find any evidence of the bait OR the box with what was left in it.After a brief search I found the box had been knocked off the shelf , chewed through and the rest of the bait had gone! Some thing likes your product! I had to laugh, please see attached photo. No new evidence of rats now!"
Colin, Waikato