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Mouse trap and bait bundle for fast and efficient eradication of mouse infestations.
NO Rats & Mice One Feed Bait:
These images are direct links to retailer's product page. NOTE: This does not indicate current stock. Other retailers not mentioned here may also stock this product. Please check with specific store for product availability.
Approved Maintenance Compound (Non-Dairy) - Type C.
Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. V9601.
HSNO Approval Number: HSR001594
NO Rats & Mice One Feed Blocks SDS
Baiting Strategy:
See also the NO Mice One Feed Bait Station.
Trapping Strategy:
*It can improve catch efficiency if trap are left unset for 2-3 days before setting so that mice get used to them.
Traps are more efficient when NO Rats & Mice One Feed bait takes effect. Traps can be set without bait or baited with peanut butter or chocolate.
A DIY Bait Station can be made from a 600mm piece of downpipe. It will protect rodenticide bait from weather and non-target animals. Bait can be fixed in place in the middle of the station using a wire through the centre of the pipe. Then make sure the pipe is placed securely where rodents will travel; usually against and wall, fence or other vertical surface.
See also the NO Rats One Feed Bait Station and NO Mice One Feed Bait Station.
Brodifacoum is a second generation anti-coagulant rodenticide (SGAR) bait and as such is faster acting and requires less bait to be consumed by rodents for control. It also makes it important to ensure baits are placed where non-target animals are not able to access the bait.
View the 1-2-3 Step Guide to rodent trapping.
View the 1-2-3 Rodent Control Programme.
How to Choose the Best Solution for Rodents
How to Use Rat and Mice Bait Stations
How to Prevent Rodent Infestations
Tips and Trick for Using Rodenticides
How to get rid of mice. The common house mouse is a pest of significant importance both as it damages wiring, pi…
Rats and mice are usually regarded as pests only when they move indoors. However, they can also be a significant…