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Prefilled mice bait station to keep people and pets safe, as well as baits secure and protected from moisture and contamination. This allows the bait more effective in controlling mice.
Pre-filled with NO Rats & Mice One Feed Blocks.
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Registered pursuant to the ACVM Act 1997, No. V9616 See for registration conditions.
EPA Approval Number: HSR001594
NO Mice One Feed Bait Station SDS
*Note: One Feed is sufficient to kill a rat or mouse but they will continue to eat bait.
View the 1-2-3 Rodent Control Programme.
How to Choose the Best Solution for Rodents
How to Use Rat and Mice Bait Stations
How to Prevent Rodent Infestations
Tips and Trick for Using Rodenticides
How to get rid of mice. The common house mouse is a pest of significant importance both as it damages wiring, pi…
Rats and mice produce many droppings. Mice will produce up to 80 a day. It is often these droppings that are the…
Rats and mice are usually regarded as pests only when they move indoors. However, they can also be a significant…