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LawnPro Turfclean & Green feeds and greens lawns while killing lawn weeds. The product is supplied with an integrated spray head for clicking onto a hose so there is no mixing or spray equipment required.
LawnPro Turfclean & GreenTM
9.3 g/L Dichlorprop-p, 3.9 g/L Mecoprop-p, 4.8 g/L MCPA.
208 g/L Nitrogen (as urea), 1.8 g/L Iron (as iron EDTA).
Hose Pack: 2 L
SKU: G40127
HSNO Approval code: HSR101236
LawnPro Turfclean & Green SDS
Daisies are common broadleaf weed in lawns, flowerbeds and pathways.
Lawn grasses, like other plants, need nitrogen as an essential element in healthy growth. Nitrogen deficient law…
Oxtongue and similar species catsear, hawksbeard, dandelion, hawkbit and oxtongue, are common weeds of New Zeala…
"Great stuff and easy to use ! Love the hose fitting pack..."