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LawnPro Lawn Thickener is an innovative product for easy application of lawn seed and nutrients to lawns to help you get a healthier, thicker lawn.
*About the grasses:
Red fescue (Festuca rubra) is a fine-bladed grass with a deep green colour. It does not require much fertiliser and is tolerant of drought.
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is a fine-textured, rich green grass. It has a high tolerance for cold temperatures.
Browntop (Agrotis capillaris) is a fine-textured, bluish green grass. It is tolerant of low fertility soils and has a low growth habit requiring less mowing.
Lawn Seed: Fescue, Ryegrass and Browntop.
Fertilizer and media: Gypsum, Humic acids, NPK - 6 : 2.5 : 3.7
2.8 kg pack.
SKU: G42015
HSNO Approval Code: N/A
LawnPro Lawn Thickener SDS
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