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Vine hoppers and other leaf hoppers are sap sucking insects that will feed on a variety of plants, not just vines. The honeydew that they produce can encourage sooty moulds.
The nymph passion vine hoppers are tiny wingless insects with white fluffy tails that are raised above their bodies like peacock tails. The nymphs and winged adults can jump (hop) when disturbed.
From late January on the nymphs go through their final molt and change into the small brown adults that look like small smooth winged moths that are often seen in a queue like line on the stems of plants. The adults will be be active through to autumn laying eggs in small branches of their target plants. As they withdraw their ovipositor (egg laying tube) they pull out small white tufts of plant material which show up as white dots on your plants.
To get rid of vine hoppers follow these steps:
Passion Vine Hopper Life Cycle
Fast acting pyrethrum insecticide that controls a wide range of insects.
Horticultural oil protects your plants from a range of insect pests, mites and diseases.