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Spider webs can be unsightly and collect dust and dirt both inside and outside the home.
All spiders can create spider silk. Some spiders produce the classic spider web strung between objects to catch flies and others produce a tangled mass either to catch insects or as a nest and some uses gossamer silk lines to 'balloon' from place to place.
To get rid of spider webs outdoors follow these steps:
Spiders can be controlled before they get a chance to build webs or enter your home.
Spider Webs Inside
Spider silk has many uses. They use it to weave webs and silk snares, catch prey, escape from danger, survive winters draped in silk 'sleeping bag', build nests for young, send and receive vibrating signals, truss up prey for storage, and "transportation" via silken ropes, parachutes or balloons (often aided by the wind; special insect traps on aircraft have collected spiders from altitudes of nearly 5 kilometres).
For best results wash down surfaces to remove dust and dirt before spraying. Allow a couple of days for spiders to rebuild their webs then spray surfaces and webs. Leave for a further couple of days and then brush down webbing with a dry brush.
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