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The bite of the Australian Redback spider is very painful and in very rare cases can be fatal if anti venom is not available. The Redback is becoming more common in many parts of New Zealand.
The Australian Redback spider is becoming more common in New Zealand and is spreading to more parts of the country. Recently it has been reported in the Bay of Plenty and other parts of the North Island. The bite of the redback spider is said to be very painful and can be fatal if anti venom is not available. However, it has been over 40 years since a Redback spider has caused a death in its native Australia
The underside of this Redback Spider shows the typical hourglass red marking.
If you find a redback spider please report this to MPI Biosecurity.
To get rid of spiders and crawling insect pest follow these steps:
Pyrethroid insecticides are broken down by UV light and have a shorter life in bright sunlight so a second spray in such areas will increase efficacy. NO BUGS SUPER is formulated to resist breakdown by UV light. Also pyrethrins are slower to work in higher temperatures; so on warm days the insects and spiders may take longer to die after contact.
Many spiders, particularly white tail spiders, and crawling insect pests will hide and infest voids around a house such as roof and ceiling voids. NO BUGS BUG BOMBS and BORAFUME fumigators are ideal for eliminating spiders and insects in difficult to treat places such as these voids. The fumigants penetrate through the voids leaving nowhere for spiders and insects to hide.
Effective, long term indoor and outdoor protection from spiders and crawling insects.
NO Bugs Super Bug Bomb - Fast Control of Crawling and Flying Pests
Safer bug control for you and your family