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Potassium is essential for the healthy growth of plants. Plants deficient in potassium show symptoms of wilting, browning lower leaves plus yellowing of veins.
Typical symptoms of potassium deficiency include lower leaves wilting, browning off, scorching and yellowing of veins in leaves. Scorching starts at the leaf edges and moves inward.
Potassium salt is easily dissolved by water and leached from soils. It is important to fertilise with natural organic forms of potassium that are retained in the soil so that it is available to plants for longer.
Potassium is important in many aspects of plant growth including protein synthesis, photosynthesis, fruit quality and immune systems.
For optimum plant health and greener leaves. This slow release droplet feeder provides one month’s food for all …
To hydrate and feed, for optimum plant health and greener leaves.
For healthy plants, greener leaves and longer lasting blooms.