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Oxalis is a fast spreading, small, low-growing weed often found in gardens and lawns.
Oxalis is a family of small low-growing weed, some with small bulbils (small bulbs) and some, such as creeping oxalis, without bulbils but which spread by creeping stems (stolons). Bulbed oxalis can be challenging to control as it spreads quickly and the bulbils can regrow even when the top growth is controlled. Creeping oxalis is common in lawns and is little affected by some lawn weed killers.
Flowers are usually very small and yellow, pink or white. Leafs are small and are in a 'T' shape folded and green or purple in colour.
Oxalis is widespread and common in gardens and lawns.
In Lawns
In Garden Beds
Turfclean Ultra is a fast-acting lawn weed killer that controls the broadest range of lawn weeds. Kills broadlea…
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