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Hover flies are rarely a problem in a home. They will be seen outside hovering over and feeding on flowers. Some mimic wasps in colour but do not possess stings. How to identify hover flies.
Hover flies have a distinct flight pattern. They are often seen hovering over and flitting around flowers in a garden. They are pollinators and as such are usually beneficial. Some hover flies protect themselves from predators by mimicking wasps by having yellow and black stripes. The hover and flit flight pattern plus broad wings held out from the body when landed distinguish hover flies from wasps. Wasps hold their narrower wings back more tightly to the body. See the images in the gallery for comparison.
Hover flies rarely come indoors and as they neither bite nor sting are not a pest outdoors. As they are sometimes mistaken for bees or wasps they can cause concern. Hopefully this page will help you identify the insect and if it is hover flies concerns can be reduced.
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