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Climbing asparagus fern weed is a fast growing, rapid coloniser. It is very shade tolerant and kills host plants by smothering or ring barking. It carpets the ground preventing regrowth of seedlings. It is spread by birds and garden dumping.
Climbing asparagus has tough, long-lived tubers that resprout easily, moderate growth rate and well dispersed seeds. Tolerates moderate to heavy shade, most soil types, moderate to high rainfall, and hot to cold temperatures.
Climbing asparagus is one of the Dirty Dozen in New Zealand's War on Weeds .
Weed Weapon Invade Gel controls hardy weeds with spot treatment and painting of tough and creeping weeds.
Kills a broad range of stubborn weeds to the root, fast! See visual results in just 2 hours.
Kills a broad range of stubborn weeds quickly to the root. Easy to use. No mixing.