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How to Get Rid of Weedy Groundcover

Posted in Garden Advice on July 04, 2017

Ground Cover Weeds 

Ground cover weeds smother desirable and native plants and prevent native seeds from germinating and growing.

Weeds like wild ginger, periwinkle, ivy, montbretia and tradescantia are notoriously hard to get rid of and need ongoing control efforts.

First identify what the weedy ground cover it is and choose a control method depending on the size of the infestation, and how persistent the species is. The options for control are:

Spraying - Overall spraying will be needed for large infestations and where it is difficult to manually remove the weed.

  1. Spray the entire ‘colony’ of the weed with Weed Weapon Extra Strength plus Dye & Stick. Ensure leaves below the top layer are also sprayed. For best results apply on a warm, sunny dry day when the weeds are growing actively.
  2. Revisit the site regularly to check for any re-growth. If re-growth is found, let it grow to 1/3 height and repeat spraying.

Manual Removal - Digging or pulling is good for small infestations.

  1. Remove all the weed growth from the ground including leaves, underground stems and roots. Many weeds can grow from small fragments of stem or root.
    For tradescantia, you can often roll the plant material up like a carpet and avoid breaking it into too many pieces.
  2. Remove all the weed material from the site, taking care not to drop any fragments that might re-sprout. Put it in a plastic bag and carefully dispose of in green waste or compost completely. Do not dispose of where the weed can re-grow.
  3. Revisit the site regularly and repeat to remove any new weed growth.

David Brittain

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